Day 2 after the election: The people of the socially and economic left have given Obama a mandate for socialism (their words, not mine). Those in the middle, justifiably angered by the activity of the "conservative" Republican party moved to the left. Has the Republican party completely lost its conservative credentials as Chuck Baldwin claims it has? Only time will tell for sure.
There is one thing that we can be certain of -- the social conservative movement will be revitalized by these next four years as it has not been revitalized since the Terror broke out in Paris. And for a movement that managed to get Proposition 8 passed in California, defining marriage as a union that can only be entered into by a man and a woman, that could mean the change that we have been seeking. The change has been coming through the prayers and sacrafice of millions. Obama's election has stirred up the waters; let us cast over the other side and lower our nets for a catch.
(I realize that this is a very turgid post. I will be explaining my ideas more over the coming days. Please be patient. There is a point to all of this.)
"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
~ John Quincy Adams